If a time entry with the resolution Checkbox checked is submitted, the ticket status should be updated to closed
Marc Rosa
Exciting news: Threads can now automatically move to a closed status when an Inbox user submits a TimePad entry with the “resolution” flag selected. This is one of three automations for common status changes, including:
- Setting threads to In Progressafter a member replies;
- Re-openingthreads when a contact replies to a previously closed thread; and
- Closingthreads when a TimePad entry has a resolution flag
Admins can enable this status automation by:
- Navigating to Inbox > Preferences > Workspace.
- Clicking the + Board button (or + Queue or + Team, depending on your PSA) and selecting from the dropdown.
- Selecting a status in the dropdown for the third status automation titled “Set thread to [ status ] when TimePad entry has a resolution flag”
- Clicking Save to apply your settings.
Repeat this for each board + status combination in your service desk where you want this automation to be supported (Here at Thread, our workspace has settings for
Help Desk
and Sales
Ruth Lamont
Griffin Steinman You added me to this but im in agreement with Lee and Thomas. There should be the ability to choose a status and add a time entry at the same time within timepad, but adding a 'Resolution' in PSA terms is to describe what the solution it, not always close it. CW has this functionality as is, and means you can do 2 steps in 1. Inbox and Pods having this
would save more time.
Lee Tehan
Please no! This is the only way we can get the time entries to show up as an actual time entry and not an internal note in AutoTask.
Thomas Foley
Lee Tehan: Agreed! This would make Thread unusable for our engineers. Resolution for us means that time entry is part of the resolution, it does not necessarily mean that entry is the final resolution or final entry for the ticket.