Automatically move tickets to in progress status when replying to a thread
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Marc Rosa
Merged in a post:
Move thread to Done column when SLA is resolved (customize which statuses should map to Done)
Mark Lukehart
We use a completion status in our PSA that resolves the SLA on the ticket but does not close it - this is for QA purposes. Once QA is completed, we move the ticket to a closed status.
Unfortunately this means that tickets that are resolved still show up in the Active ticket column in Thread Inbox and for our customers in Messenger - until they are eventually closed out during QA.
This creates confusion for our end customers and our engineers as resolved tickets still show up as Active in Inbox/Messenger.
How do we make it clearer that the issue has been resolved?
Marc Rosa
Exciting news: Threads can now automatically move to an “in progress” status when any Inbox user sends an initial message. This helps MSPs report more accurately on Response SLAs and total time worked (and saves a few clicks for fast-moving techs).
Here's how to get started:
- Go to Inbox > Preferences > Workspace.
- Click the + Board button and select a board from the dropdown.
- In the “In Progress” column, select the value that represents the first “in progress” status for your team.
- Toggle the “Set thread to 'In Progress' after the first reply” option to ON.
Partners tell us that automatically moving threads to "In Progress" helps prevent artificially high Response SLAs and incorrectly lower "total time worked" stats. And, as an added perk, this eliminates the need for techs to manually update a thread's status when first responding to a customer.
Albert Lotito
Marc Rosa, is this setting (in inbox) site-wide or per tech?
Marc Rosa
Albert Lotito this setting is workspace-wide and applies to all techs who reply.
Quinten van Noorloos
And into Complete when selecting add to resolution :)
Marc Rosa
in progress
Marc Rosa
Marc Rosa
Merged in a post:
Ability to customize which status moves a thread to "done" in the channel
Ryan Howard
We have multiple statuses that we would like to move a thread to "done"
Albert Lotito
!!! Closed <> Resolved !!!
Albert Lotito
and into 'Assigned' status (or the local equivalent) when the ticket is first assigned.
Albert Lotito
LEt me clarify.
tech grabs ticket:-> assigned
Tech first note:-> in progress
Send Resolution:->Compelted