Ability to pause and restart timer in a thread without resetting the time
Amine Elkinani
Inbox users can now pause and resume ongoing TimePad time entries without logging multiple entries. This simplifies tracking active work periods and prevents over-reporting inactive times, such as pauses between conversations. It’s especially useful for those managing multiple threads simultaneously.
We’ve heard this request often and understand that precise time management is essential for accurate billing and maintaining customer trust.
Here’s How to Get Started
Ensure a TimePad time entry is active for the desired thread.
- Click the Pausebutton to halt the timer without resetting the accumulated time.

- Click Resumeto continue tracking time from where you left off.

This is now available for all Partners
Amine Elkinani
in progress
Matthew Bailey
when working in multiple tickets these would be helpful. Currently time recording needs to be recorded at the end and slightly guessed. Or multiple entries which are either custom facing and repeat any coms or not and leave a note saying internal note.