NEW: Quick TimePad submissions from the collapsed sidebar card
You can now quickly save time entries from the Inbox sidebar without having to open the expanded and full-height TimePad view. This makes it simple to write time entries quickly and move on to the next thread, particularly for techs who don't need to customize fields like "Work Role" or review previously submitted time entries.
This is easily our most requested ask since launching our redesigned Inbox - thank you for the feedback! TimePad is getting smarter and less intrusive 💪.
Improvement: Support for Snippets in TimePad Cards
The collapsed and expanded TimePad cards now support the Snippets action command by typing the
character in the TimePad composer.
Improvement: Sticky Filters
Channel Filter selections in Inbox are now "sticky" and remain applied as you navigate across different channels. Multi-tasking and busy Inbox users, we see you!
This is a great example of a "small ask" with a large degree of demand. Since filter settings would previously reset every time an Inbox user opened up a different channel, we've learned that fast-moving techs and dispatchers would frequently need to slow down and re-apply filters as they navigated across Inbox. This fix aims to help users move as quickly as they'd like.
Bug Fixes and Minor Updates
  • Eliminated Duplicate Initial Inbound Messages:
    Techs viewing a new thread will no longer see a second "clone" of the initial inbound message from the contact displayed in the thread's conversation history.
  • Improved CoPilot Auto-Categorization:
    CoPilot Auto-Categorization is now less likely to "hallucinate" a non-existent "Item" value in the supplementing description copy shared when it assigns a thread to a Type.
  • Streamlined Editing in TimePad:
    Inbox users can now edit the "Work Role" and "Work Type" fields in TimePad without first pausing the timer. Previously, these fields were only available within the expanded TimePad view once the timer was stopped. This improvement eliminates the need for techs to make a "mental reminder" of future edits, speeding up workflows and reducing unnecessary TimePad edits after entries are submitted.
  • Successful Creation of Contacts with Existing Emails:
    Inbox users can now successfully create new contacts from the Contacts page if an email for that record already exists within the PSA. Previously, Thread would incorrectly display an error in this scenario suggesting that the contact existed.
  • PSA Actions Card Alignment for ConnectWise and Autotask Users:
    Subtype for ConnectWise users and Issue Sub-Type for Autotask customers now fit in the PSA Actions card as expected.
  • Improved Interface Hover Experience:
    Inbox users who hover over the members section of a thread from a smaller width screen now experience less "bouncing" of the interface.
  • Reliable Deep-Linking for ConnectWise Automate Integration:
    Partners with Thread's
    ConnectWise Automate
    integration enabled can now reliably deep-link into Automate from the Dynamic Cards sent for that integration within a thread.
  • Prevention of Non-Active Member Logins:
    Non-active members, including those with Pending status, are no longer able to log into Thread. This enhancement reduces accidental logins from MSP teammates who don't have complete PSA permissions.
  • Correct Display of Thread Source for Messenger Contacts:
    Threads created by contacts from Messenger are now less likely to be incorrectly displayed as sourced from email.